《To blossom blue》 I’m bleeding in ways of the fire burned I’m crying in ways of the nightbird No more is there one to lay by my side I’m straying in nightmares all the time 你的离去让我我在滴血,痛如火灼 你的离去我在哭泣,哀鸣如鸮 再也看不到你的影子 孤独的我始终在梦里漂荡
A little something I know A little somewhere I go, reminds me 多想知道去向何处 多想让你回到记忆里
To blossom blue, is to blossom without U 当这兰色的花儿忧郁的绽放 你已悄然离去 I’m breaking but I cannot bear to I’m staring but I cannot see U For no more are U to lay by my side I’m weeping no more then this second time 我挣扎着挣扎着却始终无法接近(你) 我圆睁双眼,却再也映不出你的模样 你已不在我们身边 泪水决堤 ,这离别的忧伤穿越了世间万物 A little something I know A little somewhere I go Where the sweet waters flow Where the mistletoes grow, reminds me of U 总有一丝余温 在某个角落 暖流潺潺的水域,唤起对你的回忆 那里生长着许多槲寄生,唤起我对你的记忆
To blossom blue, is to blossom without U 忧伤肆意绽放,花开花落,没有你,已经无所谓了 。。。。。。。。。 以下写自 2003年: “阿根廷,别为我哭泣!”当麦当娜扮演的“贝隆夫人”唱起这首歌时,所有的人都沉浸在一种深深的缅怀和景仰中,美丽的女人将歌声和自由慈爱撒播这个高贵的国度。“飞吧!你这受宠的女人!”和贝隆夫人的红颜早逝相比,阿根廷足球给人的感觉也是高贵美丽却命运多劫。阿根廷从来都是足球的宠儿,英杰辈出,却最终总不遂人愿。当马纳多纳将切·格瓦拉的图象印在臂膀上驰骋疆场时,格瓦拉已长存人们的记忆里;当马纳多纳的“上帝之手”还在为人们津津乐道,1986年的阿根廷世界杯还在四十多岁的人们心里激荡,那些飞扬躁动的青春已和老马一样跌落在高尔夫球场的水塘,淋湿所有的记忆;当“风之子”卡尼吉亚还在人们的偶像名单里,巴蒂斯图塔已经抹干了世界杯时的泪水,背上行李,到海湾看迟暮的落日……岁月给了我飞翔的翅膀,我要在短暂的生命里,寻找激扬和阳光。当鲜花和微笑沉寂,留在心底的是永久期待的目光。 更有巴西和法国的辉煌,巨星的夺目光彩,英格兰的激情,德国的坚韧,荷兰的锐气,葡萄牙的黄金一代,西班牙的血性……那些飞扬的力量和人生让历史的厚重变得纤细,让文学的丰腴变得苍白,让虚假的情感变得可笑,让虚构的情节变得荒诞。生活需要真实,真实的情感与感触永远胜过华丽而空洞的文采。 一切过后,像退潮的沙滩,所有的痕迹被水带走,在潜隐中留下渍痕,在某个雨季里,泛滥成潮。
http://video.2010.sina.com.cn/p/7/2010-07-04/055361054841.html#35026346 It won‘t be easy You‘ll think it strange When I try to explain how I feel That I still need your love After all that I‘ve done You won‘t believe me All you will say it‘s a girl You once knew Although she‘s dressed up to the night At sixes and sevens with you I have to let it happen I have to change Couldn‘t sail my life down at hill Looking out of the window Staying out of the sun So I chose freedom Running around Trying everything new But nothing impressed me at all I never expected it too Don‘t cry for me Argentina The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don‘t keep your distance And as for fortune And as for fame I never invited them in Though we seemed to the world They were all desired They are the illusion They are not the solution They promised to be The answer was here all the time I love you and hope you love me Don‘t cry for me Argentina Don‘t cry for me Argentina The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don‘t keep your distance Have I said too much? There‘s nothing more I can think of to say to you But all you have to do is Look at me to know “我必须出走,我必须改变, 我不能忍受一生穷困, 不想旁观,不想在阴影中躲藏, 所以我选择自由, 四处奔走,尝试一切, 但是没有什么让我留恋, 我大失所望…… 阿根廷,不要为我哭泣, 我从未把你离弃, 虽然曾花天酒地, 虽然曾狂野不羁, 对你的誓言,我依然牢记…… 是否我说得太多, 对你我已无言以对, 你只需凝视我, 相信我的每字每句……” 。。。。。。 昨天的一切是今天的历史,而今天的一切会是明天的历史,人生来不及怀念!,人生必须继续 |